Spirit led message coming forth…


As a student there is a flood of information coming forth from all directions.  At times it’s hard to loop the extra learning into my schedule, but I have found Spirit always shows up.  These days when Spirit shows up I turn my attention inward and listen very carefully because the messages are deep and sometimes prophetic.  The lessons we learn in life are all Spirit directed one way or the other.  It’s up to the student what side we choose.  With that, if we choose to believe we open ourselves up to our awakening and the deep call for knowledge.  How deep of an awakening “souly” depends on the individual experience. 

When my awakening began, I was told to leave all that I had been taught in school in the hour glass and we would come back to it throughout time.  Remember the film Alice in Wonderland?  Well, just how far down the rabbit hole you want to go?    

My virtual history lesson started me at the Pyramids and the Annunaki, the Sumerians, and then the Incans.  Why didn’t I know about these civilizations?  Right before my eyes I was witnessing all the mythical creatures that we were scripted to forget throughout our history come to life.  The ones we only hear about in our fairy tales books, suddenly weren’t so mythical after all.  My history book from what I could remember only went back as far as the Mayan temples. 

I was then lead back into Christ consciousness unraveling the story of Jeshua.   I was also at this time being led by Spirit to discern different parts of the bible because many scholars have revised the bible throughout the years with an updated New International Version (NIV) which depicts a lot of false truths, metaphor manipulation, & displays the mandala effect.  These subtle and sometimes blatantly obvious manipulations of our ancient history have led the human collective to disconnect from their Spirituality, their family, and themselves.

More on the Mandella effect here:

https://quietthinker1.wordpress.com/2015/09/03/the-mandela-effect-one-of-the-creepiest-conspiracy-theories/ (Links to an external site.)

As my knowledge deepened my understanding of the esoteric arts broadened.  What is esotericism?

“As an esoteric science — meaning simply that it lies beyond the understanding or comprehension of the average person — it presents a systematic and comprehensive account of the evolutionary process, in man and nature, from an energetic standpoint: how the universe came to exist, how it operates, and man’s place within it. Esotericism, as it is sometimes called, is also the art of working with those energies which emanate from the highest spiritual sources. From behind the scenes, these teachings have guided and shaped civilization after civilization, leading to all the great advances in human endeavor, be they in the sciences, politics, the arts or religion.” (Benjamin Creme)

 I quickly began to see an agenda taking place.  The real truth of the matter is there are many secrets in plain sight, there are many things that if you look close enough “Alice” you too will venture down the rabbit hole because it may just “save” your life one day, as it has mine. 

As a teacher I am still a student, but one with a message.  My message is simple, what wolf will you feed?


Dear soul you are here with me today as you read this because you are being called by something higher than yourself and for some that can be scary.   Society has shaped us to believe that stepping outside the box is blasphemy.  Here is an example that will trigger some thoughts deep within you.  Did you know that the Three Kings, or Magi, that visited Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus are mentioned only in the Gospel of Matthew.  They brought three gifts with them, gold, frankincense and myrrh. 

The gift of Gold – to the Christ child was symbolic of His divinity

The gift of Frankincense – to the Christ child was symbolic of His willingness to become a sacrifice, wholly giving Himself up, analogous to a burnt offering.

The gift of Myrrh – It was a spice and was used in embalming. It was also sometimes mingled with wine to form an article of drink. Such a drink was given to our Savior when He was about to be crucified, as a stupefying potion.  (Local anesthesia?) Myrrh symbolizes bitterness, suffering, and affliction. The baby Jesus would grow to suffer greatly as a man and would pay the ultimate price when He gave His life on the cross for all who would believe in Him.

Mary was the only disciple (apostle) mentioned who completed Jesus’ full course of initiation – “healed of seven demons”. She was the one who anointed Jesus for his death. She was the one to whom Jesus appeared at the tomb, after he had been raised from the dead. And, she was the one Jesus sent to tell the others. Non-canonical scripture tells us more about Mary, even than this. She was likely Jesus’ closest companion and was perhaps intimate with him, maybe even his wife.  Jesus appeared to her after his resurrection and gave her “secret teachings” – teaching he did not share with the other disciples.


Miracles = Magic

Magic = buried but yet hidden in plain sight history

You see, there is much to learn and there is no reason you have to travel this road alone.  If you’re like me you’ve searched for the light all your life.  You’ve tried self-study and it didn’t work.  But wait, it did work, according the Universe.  The lessons we learn in life are all Spirit directed as I stated before.  How do you think you recovered from some of those horrific events in life that suddenly became lessons? 

Yes that’s right your spiritual team … now just allow that to sink in for a moment…. Let yourself feel that

Your guides, the Angels, the Ascended Masters have always been by your side, dear one.  Your guides are with you from the moment of birth and are carefully placed by your side to help guide you through this reality we call life.  You are part of a Spiritual support system that is rapidly growing in numbers as more of us awaken.  We are called the Lightworkers of the World, many generations have survived by our bloodlines that have traveled throughout humanity’s ascension.  We have been called upon to assist humanity to raise their frequency to that of the highest vibration. 

There are many ways in which to call upon our guides and spiritual team.  However, ultimately it begins with you.  Learning who you are is the first step in your divination.  Consider it an initiation back to your imagination and ultimate vibration.

Dear soul searcher you have stepped across the right path.

 If you stopped to read this message the angels have brought forth the oath

Through your heart mind that’s where the journey truly begins

Let the words on the page be your guiding light

The divine intricate web of life, so uniquely woven for you in the breath of night

Silvery etheric cords illuminate your curiosity to travel through the portals of time  

The answers you seek come from deep within, the divine calling of the code

Be courageous dear soul in your discovery of self through your divine awakening

The Universe is about to show you just how vast it can be

Come sit down and take a magic carpet ride with me


Namaste ~ I honor the Divine light within you ❤


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